About This Project

I was truly amazed at the level of creativity to produce this promotional video for my foundation. All of these images are real and happened spontaneously as part of the creative process. The cinematography and video communication made our car giveaway a huge success.

—Jacob Schellenberg, YME Foundation, Founder

Relay Creative Group produced this short film on a Red Camera – cinematic format. Inspiration came to our Director of Photography of children dreaming and being inspired for what they one day would become: young children playing with dolls, a teenage girl experimenting with chemistry, a boy flying a plane. We didn’t know the client’s relative was a pilot and the next day we would film in the air.

The YME Foundation exists to support teachers and students in Oklahoma. Children succeed after high school if they know what they are interested in by an early age. They will take passionate interest if they find something that they are genuinely interested in. Bookwork is not all there is to becoming educated. A vocational experience will Ignite Learning. Fuel Purpose.

In a radio campaign with KXOJ, YME decided to give a car away to those who nominated teachers to win a limo ride to OKC to see the Thunder play the Lakers. This is YME Teacher Appreciation. The video we created was to bring brand awareness and to solicit support.

A short video on your website or an online learning video to support corporate orientation are just right around the corner for you. Contact our creative director to discuss your need for video services.      contact@relaycreative.com

Video, Website